Welcome to OBB Aesthetics LLC

My Story

Like so many of you, I was born with eczema. I remember all the oatmeal baths I had to get as a little girl. I also remember being ashamed and embarrassed by it, just based off of the looks and criticisms I received, from people who didn't have it. I wore long sleeves to hide it, even in the summertime. Depression was an understatement.

Finally, after high school, I had had enough and went to a dermatologist, where they gave me steroid cream. I thought I had hit the mother load until it thinned my skin to the point where it wouldn't regenerate. I was hopeless.

After years of research and prayer, I finally had a lasting solution for me and my children. And now it's available for all of you!

Olive Branch Beauty Aesthetics is not just a natural product for skin ailments, it helps you feel good and look good with a fragrance you would be proud to wear!

Click on any of the videos to hear more!!